Mengle Memorial Library’s will be hosting a new monthly program called Legos in the Library.
Do you have Legos you no longer play with? The library will be collecting Legos (in good condition only) for a new monthly program starting in 2010.
This program will be for children and their parents.
The programs will teach children: Creative Problem Solving, Concentration & Perseverance, Designing, Planning & Organizing, Teamwork, Communication, and Independent Thinking
The Evening Readers Group will be meeting on Tuesday, December 8th at 6:30 pm. Come and discuss your favorite Christmas story.
Santa Claus will be visiting the library on Tuesday, December 15th at 6:30 pm. Please sign-up at the library. Important note: Please remember to drop off at the library a wrapped gift from Santa for your child with their name clearly marked on it.
The library will be closed on Wednesday, December 16th for training.
The Mengle Memorial Library will be having a Teen Advisory Board meeting on Wednesday, January 6th at 4:00 pm. Teens who are interested in helping plan the teen programs is invited to attend.
The library will be closed on Thursday, December 24th, Friday, December 25th, and Saturday, December 26th for the Christmas Holiday.
The library will be closed on Thursday, December 31st and Friday, January 1st for New Years.
Check back soon for details on the 2010 Young at Heart programs.